A reliable technique to buy at the extreme-low price level.
I have mentioned a CUE pattern that is very reliable. It is a pattern. Not a setup. Once the pattern is there, you may look for a CUE buy setup. That is exactly what came in this stock $HLL.NS $HINDUSTANUNILEVER (listed in India). That is majority owned by $UL ($UNILEVER), listed in the USA.
Here is the pattern. Find a stock jumping down with acceleration (JumpThrustLow) at the extreme-low price level (PriceExtremeLow). And then all of a sudden, out of nowhere, comes a parent of all bullish momentum (BigMoveUp3). I hypothesize that some bigger players stepped in to stop the down move.
Sometimes BigMoveUp3 comes with a CUE buy setup. Sometimes, the buy point, i.e. the CUE setup may come a few days later. For this stock, the buy point came the next day with a Breakout buy setup. And the Breakout setup day also had another BigMoveUp3.
Using CUE Finder you could find the Breakout buy setup in $HLL.NS near the open and buy it using real-time charts. By doing that, you would cover the risk distance by the close and could book at least a partial profit, guaranteeing a risk-free trade from then onwards.