Note: If you need help with the installation, feel free to contact us. We will be happy to do the setup remotely.
1. CUE Market Breadth requires CUE Global to be installed and working properly. After you check they are working properly, for example, by opening the At A Glance charts, you may close the MetaStock program before proceeding with the installation steps.
2. The same is true for Fire. It is required to be installed before installing CUE Market Breadth. After you check that Fire is installed and opening properly, you may close the Fire program before proceeding with the installation steps. Make sure all the Fire DLLs are in the appropriate folder (you may refer to the snapshot included in the download file). The folder where Fire DLLs are stored is:
C:\Users\<user name>\AppData\Local\Innovative Market Analysis\MetaStock\19.0\Formulas\External Function DLLs
3. Download the CUE Market Breadth setup file from your personalized download page.
4. Get the layout (.MWL) files included in the downloaded setup file and put them in the <Documents>\MetaStock folder. These layouts are opened to study the market breadth once installation and processing are complete.
5. Get the BROADMARKETBATCH.DTA from the downloaded file and put it in the following folder, replacing <user name> with your computer's user name.
C:\Users\<User Name>\AppData\Local\Innovative Market Analysis\FIRE 2.0
6. Make sure that your Fire Breadth Indicators Setting is the same as the one shown in the image file included in the setup file.
7. Make sure that your Fire Custom Indices Setting is the same as the one shown in the image file included in the setup file.
8. Create a folder under C: as C:\METASTOCK DATA if it is not already there.
9. If you installed CUE Market Breadth earlier, delete all the related folders from C:\METASTOCK DATA. Including the Fire calculated folders BREADTH_INDICATORS and CUSTOM_INDICES. Those will be recreated by running Fire once CUE Market Breadth is completely installed.
10. Download the data for the METASTOCK DATA folders from the link included in the download file.
11. Setup Downloader program (that comes with MetaStock) so that all the folders created in the earlier step are refreshed with the latest data when you run Downloader. You may refer to MetaStock's Downloader setup instructions on how to do that. If it was already set up earlier for CUE Market Breadth, you do not need to redo it. You may make sure everything in the METASTOCK DATA folder is included in the Downloader.
12. Make sure that all the "local data folders" are included in your MetaStock. You may refer to the snapshot included in the downloaded setup file to check how it is to be set up. If required, you may refer to MetaStock's documentation on how to set up local data lists.
13. Close MetaStock if it is open.
14. Close Fire if that is open.
15. Run DownLoader to download the latest data.
16. Open Fire AFTER DownLoader is completed and run the aggregation calculations. You may refer to the snapshot included in the downloaded setup file to see how you may run all the Fire processes in a single step.
17. Your CUE Market Breadth is fully installed and updated. You may open the CUE Market Breadth Layouts to study the market breadth charts.
18. On a daily basis you may use DownLoader to download the latest data. Then open and run Fire calculations. Then you may open the CUE Market Breadth Layouts to study the market breadth charts.